An esports & videogame network with community touchpoints nationwide
Investment Overview
We make it easy for you to get into the retail technology business. Esports, gaming, robotics, coding, NFTs, Metaverse, you do not have to be an expert in any of these technology rich activities, products and services. MAP Esports Network team members take care of this for you when we mentor, teach and support you. We offer various investment options for your new business. We stand beside you every step of the way. We also can help with financing.
Our Audience and Customers
Ages 18 – 34
68% Male
32% Female
43% have
Household Income
Videogaming and Coding most Engaging Form of Digital, Learning And Entertainment.
NOTICE: This is not an offer to sell a franchise, it is intended for informational purposes only. A franchise offer for sale must include a Financial Disclosure Document (FDD) as defined by the Federal Trade Commission. When qualified A franchise disclosure document (FDD) a legal document will be presented to prospective buyers in the pre-sale disclosure process.
Ready to make a real change? Let's make the world better together!
We are focused! On positive social impact, preparing tomorrow's workforce via access to technology, STEM and STEAM careers, Playing and Learning, providing our partners measurable access to grassroots and mainstream communities.